Initial Ideas

When thinking about what I should do for this project I came up with a few different ideas, each being a little different from each other. The first was a history app that would allow the user to construct old historic ruins and see what they would look like when they were first built. Using a sort of augmented reality to build the ruin, by pointing the phone at the ruin it would then be constructed on the phone for the user to see and enjoy. After looking into this idea I realised I wasn’t that interested in it and it would be very hard to design the app let alone make it work so I started to think of some other ideas. I then thought of doing an educational project for children, allowing me to test it at a school and make something that could teach people something which did interest me. The idea was to create a huge map that kids could stand on/in, using VR they could travel around the map and travel through history or learn about the romans and what they did during their reign etc. I would’ve created the map and the programme that would run on the VR for the kids. There are risks of children hurting themselves when using VR though and the map would take time to create. I was also thinking of using augmented reality for this project so they could walk around the map and see things pop up on the phone, however getting music and sound to match the augmented reality pop ups would be difficult unless I played them separately and might have been too much of an issue and could’ve gone wrong easily. Lastly and the idea I have decided to go with is an animated music video. With creating an animated music video I would be able to create it from scratch using multiple techniques to showcase my skills, I would also be interested in the project as I like music and creating something for an artist would be a great experience.