Development Process: Animation P5

I also wanted to try something a little different from what I had already been doing and so decided to do some mapping, this is where I would put two pieces of footage together within the same frame. I was going to use one stock piece of footage that I had filmed and one that involved stop motion to once again combine the two but in a different way. I wanted to use what I was going to create for the ending sequence as I thought it would be a great way to end the video. Firstly I worked on the stop motion part as this is what was going to take the longest, I had filmed a building with scaffolding around it and began to play around with numerous ideas until I settled for two. I first wanted something colourful to bring some colour into a very dark topic, continuing with the sketch theme I made lines go up and down the scaffolding again simple yet effective. I drew 2 versions of each frame so the lines would have some motion in them due to the background being a still frame. I then decided to add more colour by changing the colour of the back ground every time a new line appeared, below you can see some of the development:

After creating this and making it work I decided that I wanted to use this in another part of the video and started to think of another idea. After some messing around with ideas I decided that I would make the scaffolding into levels and look like the music was making them move up and down like when you are editing footage. This would be a better way to end the video as I could show the levels slowly going down as the music fades out. Using the same technique as the last piece I began creating it, with this piece i wanted a dull background so the colours would be more vibrant on the video, I also drew each ‘section’ individually so I could put the levels up and down however I wanted, below you can see some of the development process:

After finishing the stop motion part of the video I needed to complete the footage part of the piece. For this i simply made the video black and white to match with the background of the stop motion clip and cropped them so they could play together. Having the protagonist standing near the sea looking out at the levels going up and down gives the illusion that she is looking at this and not what was actually within the frame of the footage and ends the video nicely. Finished product below:

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