Whilst putting together my project I came across more editing techniques that I will be using within my project, again although they’re simple they give the footage that little something extra. The first was to simply leave blank black spaces in between some of the fast paced footage to break it up a little, whilst matching the black spaces to the music. By matching the spaces to the music is doesn’t cause confusion, as if they were just randomly within the footage it would look out of place, however by matching it to the music it now looks like it is meant to be there. Another technique is very similar however different, instead of just black spaces I made the spaces different colours which consisted of Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and Pink. Although again only a small change it breaks up the footage and adds a little something to it, along with matching it to the beat of the music to avoid confusion allows for a simple yet effective technique to use within my project. Below are examples of the techniques previously spoken about: