Before starting the designs for the video I wanted to research into the different styles of sketching to expand my knowledge and to get some inspiration for my work. There are many different styles of sketch and although I already know what I wanted my work to look like by researching the theme it would allow me to change aspects of my work to make it as professional and as good as possible as well as allowing me to possibly show different styles of sketch if I wanted to. I looked at some articles on how to actually draw, and how to add detail showcasing different ways to sketch and create something from scratch, from cartoon drawing to realistic. It allowed me to look at different ways of drawing and try them out for myself although this article didn’t show anything that I was looking for in terms of the theme for my work it allowed me to get a rough idea on how to sketch something and the way to go about it (–cms-21630). I then wanted to look into my theme, not just drawing in general as this would allow me to begin planning out how I would be sketching my work. Another article I looked at showed a few different types of styles that I could research if I wanted but again none were in the style that I wanted to do my work in (
I started to look at pictures of the type of style I wanted to do to not only show how I wanted my work but to be able to examine them and research into it further.
I want a rough sketch theme, as I feel it would fit into the theme of the music and will allow me to connect everything within the video and flow freely. Not only this but I want everyone to be able to connect with the video and I feel by having the basics of the animation there people will be able to fill in the details theirselves which will allow them to connect with it on a person level as they will fill in the details from either a memory or just on the stop again making it more personal to each person viewing it.
Although these drawings are simple I want mine to be a little less refined and more hectic allowing me to unravel the drawings and make them become something else like said before allowing them to flow and the video to continue simply and effectively. To be able to animate the illustrations effectively I would need to sketch a front, side and back view of each asset so they could be animated professionally.